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Our Location - The Gilchrist Building

An Oak Park institution for more than 80 years
Built in 1920, our building was originally the home of the beloved Gilchrist Hardware store. It wasn’t until after we bought this building, did we realize what a special place this was.
It's former owner, Andrew Gilchrist, would drop everything to help the people in this community. Day or night, if someone had a plumbing or hardware need, he made himself available to help. He believed in a strong community and that’s how he ran his business. We will strive to embody those types of business ethics and bring that same spirit to the space we call our home. 

Whirlwind Coffee Company

513 Madison St.
Oak Park IL 60302
Cafe: (708) 613-8448

Wholesale, Partnerships and all other inquiries:
(630) 318-0026‬

Retail Shop & Cafe Hours:
Weekdays 7:00am to 4:00pm
Sat 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sun 8:00 am to 1:00 pm

Wholesale Hours
M, T, W, Th, Fri: 8:30am to 4pm
By appointment encouraged.

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It's St. Patrick's Day! Save 15%

By some bags of coffee and save 15% today! Use promo code: LUCKYCOFFEE

Use that savings to get yourself some cabbage or a can of stout.

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